In this episode, I chat with Leadership Expert and Executive Coach Andrea Danner about her contribution to the book: The Door to Inner Happiness: Secrets from Around the World for When Everything’s Going Wrong.
Although conceived pre-Covid, The Door to Inner Happiness reveals powerful strategies from around the world for bouncing back when everything’s going wrong. The book contains the stories of regular people from all over the world who have found ways to turn horrendous situations into opportunities and new possibilities.
Andrea's chapter is entitled Turning Performance Pressure into Workday Pleasure. During our conversation, she explains how a daily sense of overwhelm forced her to re-examine her life and make some changes for the better.
She provides lots of insights and tips for all of us.
For this episode I sat down with Executive Coach and author of no less than 17 books, Joseph O'Connor, to talk about his latest book, Coaching the Brain - Practical Applications of Neuroscience to Coaching.
During our conversation, Joseph explains why he writes books on topics that interest him and shares many fascinating insights about how our brains work so that we can all begin to coach our own brains right away.
Joseph began his career as a guitar teacher and got into Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to explore how to help his students perform better. Today, apart from his work as an Executive Coach he is also the co-founder of the International Coaching Community (ICC), which boasts over 15,000 coaches as members worldwide. The ICC celebrates its 20th birthday in 2021.
So, whether you're a coach, currently being coached, thinking about getting yourself a coach or just simply curious about how to coach your own brain there's something here for...
In this episode, I chat with author and learning & development expert, Stella Collins, to discover how our brains learn best.
The Learning Organisation expert, Peter Senge, once wrote: Taking in information is only distantly related to real learning. It would be nonsensical to say, "I just read a great book about bicycle riding—I’ve now learned that.”
In order to design and deliver effective learning and development initiatives, it's essential to understand how our brains process and retain information. During our conversation, Stella provides insights into how our brains learn best and tips on how to improve our ability to retain and apply our learning.
Whether you work in HR, as a Trainer/Coach/Consultant or you're a Leader in an organisation what Stella has to say is relevant, timely and important.
Many people in the western world can remember where they were on 9/11 when the aeroplanes hit the Twin Towers in New York but can you remember where you were on 22nd March 2016?
My guest in this episode will never forget where she was on the morning of the 22nd March 2016.
Karen Northshield was standing within meters of the first suicide bomber at Brussels airport. Her life was changed in an instant. In fact, according to the medical experts who assessed her condition, she wouldn't survive. She was given almost zero chances of living. But, nonetheless, she did survive.
Today, she's rebuilding her life. She's written a book and in this conversation, she will share with you how to be more resilient.
In 2014-2015, I worked with Karen as her coach when she realised her dream of leaving her admin job and setting up her own fitness coaching business. She was so driven, so committed and so passionate about making a difference in the world.
In this episode, I chat with Susan Popoola about her new book "Male Perspectives on The Value of Women at Work". What Susan has to say is not just relevant for women or men but for every one of us.
Along the way she explains how pay inequality can be inadvertently created by women, how your current salary should not affect what you're truly worth and how men prefer to choose other men for certain roles. She highlights how a woman's value and potential can be viewed way beyond the workplace and how many men fail to recognise and acknowledge qualities that women bring to any role.
She breaks the research for her book into 3 key areas of insights and provides practical tips for both women and men on how to appreciate and enhance the value of women at work...
In this episode, I chat with Dr Ina Weinbauer-Heidel to find out what makes training really work.
We explore her 12 Levers of Training Effectiveness under three key themes.
Ever wonder why some trainings make a real difference and others appear to be a complete waste of time?
It's not what you think!
In our conversation, we begin to unpack the answer to this question and Ina provides some fantastic insights and tips for trainees, trainers, learning & development professionals and managers/supervisors in organisations.
In this episode, I chat with Author and Crisis Expert, Caroline Sapriel.
The Covid pandemic has given us all a first-hand experience of a crisis unfolding before our very eyes. It's no longer something happening "over there", but in our own daily lives. In times of crisis, we turn to our leaders to steer us through.
But, what if they let us down?
In this informative discussion, Caroline explains how leaders can prepare for crisis events and what qualities they need to have to be able to navigate through them when they do occur. She highlights that a crisis is not just a bad week at the office, that the term "crisis management" is something of a misnomer, and that there's a difference between a crisis and a reputation meltdown.
Using references to pears, accordions, sailing boats and more Caroline explains how to approach a crisis situation, how to organise your people to deal with it and what hard and soft skills leaders (and indeed anyone...
In this episode, I chat with Author, Leadership Coach, NLP Trainer and fellow Harrison Assessments Managing Partner, Pat Hutchinson.
Pat explains how she has used her NLP skills and the Harrison Paradoxes to help Leaders get REAL insights into themselves and those they work with.
Citing examples from her extensive work she provides many tips on things that Leaders and indeed anyone can implement immediately.
She also explains why a "sheep dipping" approach to Leadership Development rarely works.
In this episode, I chat with author and communications expert Sheila Parry about her new book:
Take Pride - How to Build Organisational Success Through People
While the concept of being proud of our work is something that many people can identify with, PRIDE is actually a mnemonic for a framework that Sheila developed over many years of working with organisations, running her own successful Internal Communications agency (The Blue Ballroom) and carrying out independent research.
Do they know who you are?
This is a core sentiment running through our conversation and Sheila expands upon it from different perspectives. She provides insights, examples and tips that both leaders and followers can use to better understand and improve their experiences at work.
In particular, leaders can learn more about the impact they have on the experiences of their people and why communicating effectively is not an event but a continuous journey. For employees in general Sheila provides...
In this episode (recorded in December 2020) I chat with leading author and collaboration expert, Jim Tamm.
Collaboration has become such an essential component in an organisation's success, yet still many people struggle to collaborate effectively. Online tools alone will not work without a collaborative mindset, skills and behaviours.
Drawing on his research and extensive experience, Jim provides us with insights and tips on how to create and embed a collaborative culture in your organisation.
He also reveals what's new in the 2nd edition of his book Radical Collaboration.
What have chickens got to do with collaboration?
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